PH Balanced Putter Shaft

Shaft design has a huge bearing on how the club feels during the stroke and of course impact! The majority of research and development is focused primarily on the full swing. Putter manufacturers focus their R&D on their head design, performance and aesthetics. The actual putter shaft is more often than not an afterthought. The shaft is proven to affect the club head’s velocity and orientation (loft and face angle) in full swing kinematics, but despite these findings, there is limited literature on putter shaft designs and their effect on putting performance.

In previous studies we have shown the putter face angle at impact determines up to 92% of the start direction a putt. (Hurrion 2014 et al.). As well as putter face angle, the ball speed at impact is also a reason why putts are missed. In addition an inconsistent ball launch angle will influence the ratio of sliding and rolling friction. This in turn will effect the point at which ‘true roll’ occurs. A sliding golf ball and a rolling golf ball will slow down at different rates, thus affecting the point at which a ball will take the break on the surface. The launch angle of the golf ball is a very important factor for ball spin and the consistency of roll and ball speed across the putting surface.

“Can a putter shaft influence these three characteristics : Club Face, Ball Speed and Launch Angle?”

It is through my work and development with the Quintic Ball Roll System ( that, of the many parameters the Quintic System measures, the hardest to achieve consistently is the ‘Launch Angle’ of the golf ball – even with some of the very best players in the game! Quintic Ball Roll will often record very consist readings for face angle, face rotation, twist, ball speed, and attack angle… but rarely do we see a consistent launch angle with a range of less than one degree, even from a robot! Why is this, even from some of the best players in the world do they have inconsistent Launch Angles, despite a consistent low point, attack angle and impact location.

Therefore the aim of the PH Putter Balanced shaft is to ensure a greater consistency for shaft angle and ultimately the balls launch angle for ALL levels of golfers.


Please click below to view Experiment 1:

Experiment 1


  • It is interesting to note that in all conditions: Centre, Toe and Heel strike, the PH Balanced Shaft had a reduced range in ‘Shaft Angle’ at Impact.
  • A reduced range in the ‘Shaft Angle’, resulted in a reduced range in the ‘Ball Launch Angle’, which in turn caused the time to ‘Zero Skid’ to be more consistent.
  • Subsequently, the more consistent a golf ball reacts on first contact with the surface the greater consistency for the ball speed at ‘true roll’.
  • The distance to ‘true roll’ is an important factor for determining pace control. How a ball slows down, will determine where the ball takes the break!
  • For more information on this please see the research paper presented at the World Scientific Congress of Golf VII : July 18-22 July 2016 (Hurrion, MacKay, Sweeney & Collinson., 2016)

Please click below to view Experiment 2:

Experiment 2


  • It is interesting to note that in all conditions the reduced oscillation in the PH Balanced Shaft during the downswing, and/or immediately after impact.
  • It is also interesting to note that the control shaft would actually be slowing down prior to impact. The peak speed of the shaft was variable (putt to putt and condition to condition).
  • The variability in oscillation of the control shaft during the four robot conditions is effectively creating the inconsistency of the shaft angle at impact.
  • An increase in shaft angle variability will then lead to an increase in the range and therefore more inconsistency in ‘Launch Angle’ and therefore the distance and time to ‘Zero Skid’.
  • How a golf ball reacts on first contact with the surface has an influence on the balls direction, ball speed, the height of the next bounce, the distance to ‘true roll’ and how the ball ultimately slows down and comes to rest.

The PH Balanced shaft is more stable at impact, there is less variability in the club shaft oscillation, leading to a more consistent face and shaft angle at impact. This is especially important today as putter head weights are increasing!
Technical Specification of ‘PH’ Balanced Putter Shaft

PH Shaft Length Weight Tip Diameter Butt Diameter
Straight 35” 125gm ±3 0.335” 0.600”
Straight 35” 125gm ±3 0.350” 0.600”
Double Bend 35” 130gm ±3 0.355” 0.600”

The PH shaft is made of chrome molybdenum steel. The chrome molybdenum steel plate is cut to the required size, then roll welding to create a steel pipe to the size and thickness of the required mould. After moulding it is heat treated, followed by a grinding and straightening process. Nickel plating is added before the shaft is finished off in a chrome plating. There is a thicker mid section for improved balance and stability and this helps reduce any unwanted oscillations of the putter shaft during the downswing.

Please Note: When reducing the length of the PH shaft, please do so evenly, 1” tip, then 1” from the Butt. In other words, please don’t just take 2” directly from the tip as this will affect the balance / swing weight of the putter.

The R&A has ruled that the ‘PH Balanced Putter Shaft’ does conform to the Rules of Golf

Please Note: For multi discount prices and orders please contact

Putter Fittings (including the installation of the PH Balanced shaft can be arranged as part of a Putter Fitting at the PH Putting Studio, Coleshill, Birmingham, UK) Please email to book an appointment.